【同义词辨析】 2020-02-24 保留keep-reserve

keep: may suggest a holding securely of something tangible or intangible in one's possession, custody, or control: keep this while I'm gone.   custody监护保管to take care of someone/thing、拘留候审to wait for a trial in a prison

retain: implies continued keeping, especially against threatened seizure or forced loss: managed to ~ their dignity even in poverty.   (seizure夺取占领没收起获means the act of using force to take control of something, such as a place or property用强力夺取财产或地方,如the army's seizure of power军队对政权的夺取,如the seizure of Burma by Japan in 1942日军1942年对缅甸的占领,如the court ordered the seizure of his assets法庭下令没收其财产,如the largest ever seizure of cocaine at a British port在英国口岸起获的一宗数量最大的可卡因;另外这个词还表示疾病突然发作a sudden attack of an illness)

detain: suggests a keeping through a delay in letting go: ~ed them for questioning.

withhold: implies a restraint in letting go or a refusal to let go, often for good reason: ~ information from the authorities.

reserve: suggests a keeping in store for other or future use: ~ some of your energy for the last mile.

keep保留: 表示牢牢把握某物,即拥有保管控制有形或无形的事物,retain保留维持: 指长期保留有被夺走丧失风险的,detain拘留: 表示延迟释放,withhold保留拒给:指克制拒绝给出,有合理理由,reserve保守保留: 表示储存起来以备未来他用

记忆方法: 1)首字母KRDWR想成人人的胃口<==要保留       ""的意思是"停在某一个地方",即停留留下,田表示停留的地方,上边是声旁。如留任留守留步留宿留学留恋留饭留后路,"留言"表示"离开前写下或说出的语言"   ""与""同为""声字,通"",表示存在或生存,如存亡存心。还表示"寄托",如存行李。  "保"的本义是背子于背,"负子于背谓之保",引申为保护维持维护担保等。本条"保留"中的保是保护维护的意思

         2)保留的意思是拥有控制mean to hold in one's possession or under one's control.